FLUXO delivers 08 tank car loading skids to Cattalini

FLUXO was contracted by Cattalini Terminais Marítimos to supply 8 skids for loading tank cars for its 03B Tank Center (CT3B), located in the port of Paranaguá/PR.
There are 16 flow measurement and control sections that will enable Cattalini to load 16 cars simultaneously at a flow of 150 m³/h in each car. The tank car loading skids are equipped with Fusion4 MSC-L flow gauges manufactured by Honeywell Enraf. In addition to controlling the loading flow and ensuring the safety of the operation by processing the signals of the safety devices present on the skids, the Fusion4 MSC-L also have the function of flow computers, totaling and storing the loading data, in agreement with INMETRO regulations, confirmed through its PAM (model approval plan) issued by the DIMEL/INMETRO legal metrology board.
The hiring of FLUXO for another project shows the confidence of this great player of the terminal market in the efficiency, applied technology and quality of products and systems supplied by FLUXO throughout a 15+ year partnership with many projects carried out.