Fiscal Measurement Station & Custody Transfer
FLOW manufacturing
Size range: customized according to customer needs.
Tax, appropriation and transfer of custody of oil and derivatives, natural gas, natural gas condensate, ethanol, produced or processed.
Uncertainty: compliance with ANP/INMETRO Joint Resolution No. 01, of June 10, 2013.
Main Features and Differentials
- Measurement stations require specific knowledge to ensure safe transport, accurate measurement and meet the requirements of the Brazilian regulatory agency ANP and INMETRO.
- FLUXO has an installed base of Metering Stations in custody transfer applications in Brazil for natural gas, natural gas condensate, oil and derivatives and ethanol.
- BSW, density analyzers, chromatographs and samplers are accessories that Fluxo can integrate in its Measuring Stations.
Full compliance with the requirements of Joint ANP/INMETRO Resolution No. 01, of June 10, 2013.
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