Usina Jalles Machado can now take advantage of all the advantages offered by the new Fluxo solutions for the qualitative and quantitative automation of its alcohol production and the telemetry system of its storage tanks. The provision of complete solutions, which included equipment and services, was delivered in June and is fully operational at the plant.
Jalles was very satisfied with the performance of Fluxo and its team in all stages of the process: “from the definition of the solution to be implemented, to the start-up and training of our employees, we were able to count on the assistance of competent professionals and always willing to help”, assures Gabriele Zanatta, responsible for the production, storage and loading of alcohol at Jalles Machado.
The confidence that Jalles places in Fluxo comes from the company's experience and good credibility in the market, confirms Zanatta: “previous successful deliveries and the guarantee of the use of first-class equipment give us the certainty of the success of this project in partnership with the Flow”.
Benefits for the plant
The acquisition of Fluxo's automation solutions allowed Jalles to have full control of its processes, which results in reduced waste and greater operational and human safety. With the solution for telemetry of tanks, the measurement is done in real time, and the information about the movement and control of the products remains available for the entire company. The tanks can be used in their full volume, because even when the product is not moving, the radar telemetry system works, preventing possible overflows.
The production automation package monitors the alcohol quality in real time and offers accurate measurement of the entire production. Both hydrated alcohol and anhydrous alcohol are monitored to be in the ideal quantity and quality before loading, otherwise they go back to reprocessing.
For Jalles Machado, the continuous and precise management of the finished product, with the reduction of losses and rework, is a fundamental practice. Therefore, investing in tools to improve these controls will always be one of the company's priorities, which also plans to automate its alcohol loading.