Civacon has just launched on the market a Dual Level monitor called Dual Level System, which aims to eliminate leaks or spills in Top Loading shipments.
This system is composed of a Dual Level Monitor, with a power supply voltage ranging from 90 to 250VAC, mounted in an explosion-proof housing and LEDS, which provide a longer service life compared to conventional lamps - green and red for easy viewing of the system status. The Dual Level System works interconnected to a two-stage optical sensor, of variable length, which is installed in the compartment to be loaded, which can be fixed or portable, with a universal claw support for easy and quick installation.
It is composed of two independent SPST output relays (240VAC/5A), which can be interconnected to the terminal interlocking system, and will act to reduce the charging flow to approximately 300 liters from the end of the charge, and the second stage in the interruption of the charging in case of overfill.
During charging and after the first level of the sensor is in contact with the liquid, the first relay is activated reducing the flow (low level), and in the case of contact with the liquid at a very high level (Overfill), the second relay is triggered.
With optical technology and UL certification for classified area Class I, Division I, Groups C and D, the 8130DL monitor is self checking, which ensures greater reliability and security to the system.
Like all Civacon equipment, this system also allows for monitoring the grounding in the same set, reducing initial investment and maintenance costs, in addition to a more compact and rational set in the loading platform. In case of failure in the sensors, it is possible to use the system in “bypass” until maintenance is carried out.