The boys from Instituto Bola Dentro (IBD) proved that they already know how to do theater. At the beginning of August, 60 students from the soccer nucleus held the First Theater Show at IBD, which brought together an audience of more than 150 people at the theater at Correio Central da Pituba, in Salvador. Among the spectators were family members, teachers and visitors from the sponsoring companies Fluxo and Worktime.
Enthusiasm was noticeable right from the entrance to the theater. Minutes before the start of the play, the boys were already behind the curtains and making a fuss. Nervous, they made the organization's personnel work to contain the euphoria shown by the screams and loud laughter. During the presentation, many showed their anxiety the first time.
Everything is the result of work that combines sports practice with citizenship classes. The themes already discussed last year are still present, but they have gained an extra dose of dynamism: expository lectures have become theatrical lessons. With the new method, students learn theater techniques such as voice delivery, positioning on stage, body dynamics, breathing, reading, audience formation, memory and attention.
Together, the students produced a theatrical play in all its stages: script, sound design, lighting, sound, scenery, box office, costumes and scenic presentation. The play was divided into thematic mini-performances that included capoeira circle, dance, musical numbers and poetry. Theater teacher Patrícia Gonçalves says that the show was very important, as the students had their first experience in a real theater: “the play was a realization for the boys. Many are already looking forward to the next time”, emphasizes Patricia. The new show has already started to be planned, and is scheduled for the end of the year.
Instituto Bola Dentro
IBD is an NGO that brings together underprivileged children in the city of Salvador to exercise citizenship and practice sports. The institute was created in 2003, with only one soccer class with 30 students. Today, the NGO already coordinates the work of five groups with 150 students from Boca do Rio, Calabar and Recanto Feliz. The repertoire of sports modalities has also increased: the IBD now has soccer, basketball and tennis centers.
The NGO works with the support of Ufba, ACEB, Unicef, Salvador City Hall, Escola de Pais do Brasil and UNESCO. The expectations of Renato Paes de Andrade, coordinator of the project, is to double the number of students next year: “now that we have UNESCO recognition, I believe it will be easier to obtain funds from programs such as Criança Esperança and partnerships with new sponsors” celebrates Renato.
More than increasing the number of students in the project, Renato intends to implement new sports such as volleyball, indoor soccer and martial arts. “The agreement signed with the city hall has already provided us with public spaces where we will carry out the new activities. Now all we need are partner companies, like Fluxo, which has been with us for a year and a half”, adds Renato.