The measurement of hydrocarbons in water with high precision, obtained through UV fluorescence technology, was the main theme of the international training of Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments (TDHI), held in the city of Fresno, USA. Fluxo's engineers, Eduardo Lavigne and Julio Mendes, actively participated in the event, which ended on March 12th. From now on, Fluxo's service team is able to offer fast and quality support to its customers, without the need for foreign professionals to come and carry out the services.
The event brought together technicians and engineers from countries around the world. Turner Designs was able to promote an exchange of knowledge, as participants were able to present unique problems and solutions.
During the training, there was a detailed description of the functioning and calibration of monitors of different models: TD-4100 (online monitor for industry), TD-4100XD (online monitor for industry and severe applications), TD-3100 (online monitor for industry and severe applications). bench), TD-500 (compact and portable industrial monitor), in addition to the presentation of the new “C” product line, among which the new TD-1000C monitor, which will soon be on the market, stands out.
The training staged discussions about monitor applications. Among these, the measurement of hydrocarbons in various applications stood out: condensed steam, underground water, river water, "bilge water", water used for thermal exchange, industrial water, water produced in oil fields, refinery water, in addition to monitoring of oil in soil.
Topics covered were: light absorption and light deflection (IR) measurement; competing technologies in oil-in-water measurement; laboratory measurement techniques, essential for on-line instrument calibration; as well as customer education to understand how different techniques reflect different outcomes, and how each technique manages to measure hydrocarbons in water.