In the coming weeks, Wormald will start commissioning its HPU unit (Hydraulic Power Generation Unit) and Well Control Racks for the P-50 platform (Albacora Leste). Bifold FluidPower participates in this supply with 533 solenoid valves for the Wormald Subsea Valve Control Unit and 457 for the Ballasting system of Danfoss Marine System A/S.
The supply for the P-50 was the result of the approval of a work started in January 2000, with tests being carried out, in Brazil and abroad, all of them following Petrobras specifications. Since then, Bifold has been consolidating itself in Brazil as a company qualified to supply solenoid valves for HPU and subsea well control units. Worldwide, Bifold FluidPower owns around 60% of the solenoid valve market for off-shore use.
Bifold valves are rated to operate at fluid contamination levels up to NAS 12. They are the only ones to fully comply with national standards (NBR), as they already have INMETRO certification. For several years, companies such as Shell, ConocoPhillips, Esso, Agip, TotalFina, etc., already have these valves to operate in extreme conditions.
In Brazil, we can mention several Petrobras installations that already use solenoid valves and other products (pneumatic and hydraulic) from the Bifold FluidPower line, including: Cangoá-Peroá, whose panel is supplied by Flutrol; Biquara, with the supply of the Ep-Solutions panel; the turrets of the FPSO Brasil (SBM), of Espadarte and Marlim Sul. Also in Brazil, the manufacturer supplied “subsea” solenoid valves for the FMC-CBV DPR units.