FLUXO concludes gas combustion systems at the Alemoa, São Sebastião and Barra do Riacho terminals

FLUXO concluded this February the installation of two of the three Vapor Combustion Units (VCU) supplied to Transpetro for the treatment of Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs) vapors from three of its main maritime terminals: São Sebastião Waterway Terminal (TASSE/TEBAR), Barra do Riacho (TABR) Waterway Terminal, and Santos Waterway Terminal (TASAN/ALEMOA), which VCU was delivered in March 2022.
These terminals are responsible for the supplies to and shipments from the following terminals and refineries:
- TASAN - Presidente Bernardes Refinery (RPBC), and Cubatão Onshore Terminal;
- TASSE - Paulínia Refinery (REPLAN), Vale do Paraíba Refinery (REVAP), Capuava Refinery (RECAP), and Presidente Bernardes Refinery (RPBC).
- TABR - Cacimbas Gas Treatment Unit (UTGC).
All UCVs were provided on a Turn key in locations brownfield within the terminals' territories – and, for that, FLUXO executed the infrastructure works and civil, mechanical, electrical, and automation installations at Transpetro’s own terminals. FLUXO manufactured the solutions on skidded units in its facilities in Santana de Parnaíba and then these units were transported and assembled on site, thus being ready for operation.
As FLUXO works on each project individually, although three similar Vapor Combustion Units were already supplied, each one of them has a specific peculiarity: in Santos we recovered a 18” 1.1 km pipeline to be used for conducting vapors from the pier to the VCU; in São Sebastião, we assembled the VCU on Transpetro’s pier, which required cargo lifting operations with crane barges; finally, in Barra do Riacho, we interconnected the vapor capture pipeline to the terminal’s C5+ storage tanks, welding the supports on the tanks’ sides and domes.
With the completion of these three major works, FLUXO further enriches its expertise and maintains its position as a national reference in the supply Turn key of VOC vapor treatment solutions for fuel terminals, thus contributing to its customers’ sustainable development and environment conservation.