Fluxo Soluções
 / March 2021

Fluxo, Vitek and Symphony Industrial combine experiences for Prescriptive Maintenance

Per Hideo Hama and Juliet of God Borges

A new stage in the industrial revolution is underway. Still timid and little used by companies in Brazil, the so-called 4.0 industry emerges as the natural way to increase the sector's competitiveness through digital technologies. 

In the country, an unprecedented study carried out by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) showed that only 48% of industrial companies use at least one digital technology. In this context, many organizations are already realizing the importance of planning for automation and digitization, investing in new technologies in order to promote smarter manufacturing – moving towards Industry 4.0. 

Industry 4.0 boosted the development of disruptive technologies in several areas of maintenance, and predictive was one of them. The Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (machine learning) and cloud computing have enabled previously unimaginable predictive techniques: visualization and measurement of vibration by filming (RDI Motion Amplification®), online oil analysis by computer vision (Atten2 OilWear), intelligent online thermographic systems, continuous monitoring of engine electrical parameters (PdmA EYE) and many others.

Technological advance is such that a new branch of maintenance has emerged, the Prescriptive Maintenance. As a result of the application of Artificial Intelligence to the condition and process data of assets and the studies of the effects and failure modes (FMEA), together with Machine Learning, Prescriptive Maintenance is able to determine how long a failure can occur and indicate the more effective actions to postpone them.

In this panorama, the Flow accepted the invitation of Industrial Symphony to introduce its technology in Brazil, signing a representation and distribution contract for the national territory. As part of the market service strategy, the Flow invited to Vitek Consulting, a company with whom I have had excellent relationships for years, to create experiences and better serve the client. THE Vitek Consulting is recognized in the equipment vibration analysis and monitoring market. The combination of the experiences of Flow and of the Vitek bring the immediate possibility of working with self-sufficiency with the products of the Industrial Symphony in Brazil.

Both companies have been working for several years with international providers of condition monitoring technology for the Predictive Maintenance of essential and critical machines. Now with the technology and data library collected by Symphony Industrial throughout its existence, it immediately offers the Brazilian market the possibility of entering the Prescriptive Maintenance era with the state-of-the-art in Artificial Intelligence. In this context, the partnership between the Flow and the Vitek. From this year of 2021, the three companies join forces to take Brazilian maintenance to the next level of technology.

THE Vitek Consulting, headquartered in Belo Horizonte – MG, was founded in 1989, with the purpose of bringing to the Brazilian industry the most advanced predictive technologies available in the world and, over more than 30 years of history, had its product portfolio expanded, encompassing several vibration monitoring techniques and diagnosis of the condition of industrial assets. 

THE Flow, also founded in 1989, is a Brazilian company established in the market as a provider of solutions in automation, control and safety for industrial processes of production, movement and storage of fluids. Through partnerships with world leaders in technology, it comprises a broad portfolio for application in the automation of terminals, pipelines, refineries and offshore platforms, in addition to cogeneration systems with biogas and natural gas.

THE Flow it also has a factory where it integrates systems into skidded modules for complete solutions for various markets, including mining. The joining of the forces of FlowVitek and symphony Industrial THERE leverage the offer of intelligent solutions in industrial maintenance and rotary vibration analysis, in line with industry 4.0 initiatives.

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