Flow performs CheckPoint skids repair at FPSO Espírito Santo

In operation for 8 years, stainless steel pumps were in perfect condition
At the end of last year, Fluxo completed the repair of two CheckPoint skids with chemical injection pumps installed at FPSO Espírito Santo, operated by SBM in conjunction with Shell.
The equipment has been in operation on the platform since 2013. Both the pump and all other 316 stainless steel components were in perfect condition and without any points of corrosion. It was necessary to replace the filter, the air regulating valve and some valve wheels, which were made of anodized aluminum and were severely corroded.
CheckPoint pumps have all metallic parts in stainless steel 316 or higher, including the pneumatic part, the pistons are in hastelloy, coated with ceramic, which guarantees a long durability even in the harsh conditions of the offshore environment, with heat, high humidity and salinity.
Fluxo also carried out the preventive replacement of the pistons and their liners, carried out corrective maintenance with the replacement of all seals in the hydraulic and pneumatic part of the pump, the replacement of seals of all check valves and the replacement of the isolation ball valves by 100% stainless steel 316 valves, including their flywheels. The customer also opted to upgrade the aluminum motor air filter and regulator for 316 stainless steel parts, which will bring better reliability and an even longer service life for the entire injection set.