Parnaíba Gás Natural starts production of Gavião Branco with Fluxo systems

Concerned with the operational efficiency and environmental care of its new gas plant in the Gavião Branco Field, in Maranhão, Parnaíba Gás Natural (PGN) started its production with three systems supplied by Fluxo in operation: the Recovery Unit of Condensate (URC), the C5+ Truck Loading System (SCC) and the unit's Chemical Injection System (SIQ).
URC processes the condensate from the three-phase separator. Processing consists of generating gas for the flare system and sending the stabilized C5+ to the tank. The condensate recovery system increases the plant's operational efficiency, as it uses the gas that would be emitted into the atmosphere for the system to function, instead of using the gas that is sold by the unit. In this way, URC minimizes operating costs and reduces pollution emitted into the atmosphere.
The SCC is the system responsible for controlling the loading of C5+ in trailers that use the bottom load system. The SCC has two metering and control spans, two loading arms and an MSC-L Fusion4 preset, which controls the loading of two trucks simultaneously. The MSC-L communicates with the plant supervisor, generating reliability and traceability of the loading operations carried out.
Flow's Chemical Injection System uses CheckPoint's pumps to dose biocide into the fire and produced water tank. Biocide is a chemical that acts in the treatment of water and prevents it from rotting by bacteria, algae and fungi. The SQI has dosing functions in the water lines and also tank shock dosing. The SIQ was 100% integrated into the customer's supervisory system, and can be directly controlled from the Parnaíba Gás Natural control room.
The systems acquired from Fluxo comprise the Gavião Branco Gas Production and Flow Station (EPGVB), which will be responsible for receiving and treating the gas produced in the field, subsequently sending it to a treatment unit 40 km away.
Parnaíba Gás Natural is an independent exploration and production company operating in the Parnaíba-MA Basin. With an average gas production of 4.9 million m³/day, Parnaíba Gás Natural is the largest private natural gas operator in Brazil.