Marshalsea Hydraulics is a specialized hydraulic pump and valve manufacturer with a recognized reputation for the international offshore oil & gas market, which demands the highest standards of excellence in engineering and product performance. Acquired in 2008 by Bifold Fluidpower Group, Marshalsea is represented exclusively by Fluxo in Brazil and complements the hydraulic fluid solutions worked by Fluxo through Bifold's own lines.
One of Marshalsea's main products is the pump for water-based fluids, such as the biodegradable hydraulic fluids that are used by the oil & gas industry. Offshore. The design of the type axial piston pump swashplate, with a single oscillating plate that drives 2, 3, 4 or 6 pistons, allows for much more compact designs, taking up less space on the skid. Its modular design can be configured to provide flow rates up to 187L/min at a pressure of 155bar or pressures up to 636bar at a flow rate of 46L/min. This allows Marshalsea pumps to achieve an excellent performance to weight ratio.
Unlike other similar pumps on the market, Marshalsea does not use process fluid to lubricate its moving parts, and keeps its lubrication fluid in a separate chamber. This would be irrelevant for oil pumps, but for water-based or chemical fluids it is a big advantage, as when the process fluid is in direct contact with corrosive carbon steel components, it causes wear debris to contaminate the process fluid, and that the pump is not tolerant of prolonged dry running.