Fluxo is the first company in Brazil to manufacture a system for treating and burning vapors on a pier, following the international safety standards of the USCG (United States Coast Guard). The contract was divided into two phases. The first, with the elaboration of the basic project, was concluded in July 2015. The second, with the scope of the executive project and the implementation of the Vapor Combustion Unit (VCU) in the field, is scheduled to be delivered in May. this year.
VCU will be installed at the Rio Grande Maritime Terminal (TERG) –RS, the terminal responsible for stocking and moving Braskem's petrochemical products to the Triunfo Petrochemical Complex, across the Guaíba River, but also for imports, exports and cabotage.
The VCU will carry out the thermal destruction of all vapors from the loading of vessels from the terminal with the capacity to destroy 1,500m3/h of polluting compounds that contribute to the formation of the greenhouse effect. The advantage of operating the VCU following USCG standards is the installation of the DSS (Dock Safety Skid) on the pier, which monitors the pressure and oxygen level in the line, protecting the shore installations and the berthed vessels. The equipment will allow TERG to comply with the atmospheric emissions control requirements of the Henrique Luiz Roessler State Environmental Protection Foundation (FEPAM).
Also called enclosed flame combustion unit, the VCU is an environmental pollution control device, which promotes the thermal destruction of a stream of gases in a tower heated to 850ºC. Combustion does not produce smoke or light in your chimney, making it an efficient option for reducing pollutant emissions in a plant. The VCU can be used for the thermal destruction of fuel and chemical vapors from any process, tanking or loading terminals. The VCU is built in Brazil by Fluxo, supported by the technology licensor Jordan Technologies, an American company belonging to the Aereon group and a Fluxo partner for over 15 years.