“EVERY DROP COUNTS” is the new “expression” of order of Saab Rosemount, from Sweden, transmitted to its sales team throughout Latin America, at a meeting in Brazil. The meeting was held in the country for the second time, this time in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Saab's motto is to ensure that the measurement of a tank's inventory is rigorously accurate, so that the customer doesn't lose money. This was the mood for the presentation of Saab's products, which has REX radar tank level transmitters, with 0.5mm accuracy, through the L Series, for 3mm accuracy, and the PRO, for 5mm accuracy. “Every drop of stored product that is lost counts in the tank user's pocket,” explains Saab Rosemount Managing Director Rikard Lovdahl, emphasizing that measurement accuracy provides complete efficiency, nullifying any losses.
Also during the ceremony, the official presentation to the Brazilian market of the new manager of Saab Rosemount for Latin America, Miguel Fattal, was held. The event was attended by Rikard Lovdahl, general director and Johan Sandberg, commercial director of Saab in Sweden, in addition to Saab representatives in Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Central American countries, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil .
In Brazil, Saab's radar technology level transmitters are leaders in the refining, Transpetro and independent terminal markets, with 80% of market share in Abast, 65% in Transpetro and 80% in independent terminals. For 2006, Saab aims to increase sales in Latin America by 14% compared to last year.