Fluxo and Daniel signed a contract with QUIP SA to supply the oil (COMS) and gas (GFMS) measurement stations to be installed on P-53. The platform will have the capacity to produce 180,000 barrels of oil and compress around six million m3 of gas daily. All oil and gas produced, exported and burned on the P-53 will be measured by Daniel's equipment, in accordance with ANP regulations.
The contract signed with QUIP, in February of this year, covers the supply of equipment, both for the field and for the control room. In the field, the fiscal oil measurement station (COMS) will operate, where 6'' 1500# ultrasonic meters will be installed, which will be calibrated through a compact tester.
The gas measurement sections (GFMS) are made up of elements such as stainless steel and carbon steel tubes, Profiler-type flow rectifiers, a double chamber plate changer, Senior Orifice Fitting model, static pressure transmitters, differential pressure and temperature and ultrasonic gauges for flare gas.
Emerson's Floboss 407 and S-600 model flow computers will be installed in the control room, PLC that will serve as a Gateway between the flow computers and the ECOS and engineering station, for ANP audits.
Also for the P-53, Fluxo and Daniel signed contracts with SBM and Petreco to supply complementary measurement systems:
The scope of supply of the contract with SBM is the Gas Lift metering system located in Turret. In the contract with Petreco, Fluxo will supply the allocation oil measurement skid, which measures the oil coming from the test separator outlet. This skid will use Coriolis meters, manufactured by Micro Motion, which belongs to the Emerson Process Management group.
An important point to be highlighted is that the measurement system will be manufactured in Brazil, fulfilling the requirement of having a percentage higher than 60% of national content. This will be an FPU (Floating Production Unit) type platform, which will operate in the Marlim Leste field, located in the Campos Basin, at a water depth of 1,251 meters.