Fluxo, together with its represented company, Emerson Process Management, are supplying the supervision and control system for the PMNT-1 Platform, located in the Manati Field.
The scope comprises a DeltaV system installed on the PMNT-1 platform, to meet the platform's process and utilities areas in terms of Foundation Fieldbus interface and functionalities. The controllers and sources are redundant and manage approximately 220 instruments in Foundation Fieldbus networks, whose “hosts” are also redundant, fully meeting Petrobras' specifications. The DeltaV system is also responsible for acquiring the data, approximately 600 points, from the SIL2 interlocking PLC through the Ethernet/IP network.
The PMNT-1 platform is uninhabited, that is, operated and viewed from “workstations” located on land, at São Francisco Station, at a distance of approximately 100km. Communication takes place via radio frequency and transparently allows all the functionality and intelligence of the PlantWeb digital architecture to be used. At São Francisco Station, for the processing of the gas extracted by the PMNT-1, there are other DeltaV systems that use all the resources of the PlantWeb architecture for the best performance and predictive diagnostics of the plant, integrating all the control systems from production to outflow of treated gas from the São Francisco Station.
The commissioning of instruments, calibration modifications, alarms, diagnostics and all the command exercised over elements that are on the platform is performed by the “workstations” and their software functionalities such as AMSInside, DeltaV Tune, DeltaV Inspect, Continuous Historian and OPC Server for communication with other systems.