Fluxo has a new house in Macaé. The novelty came from an agreement with Sulzer, which provided one of its sheds for the company's facilities, in Nova Cavaleiros. The new headquarters is located on a plot of 1000m², where there is a 600m² shed, with a 5-ton gantry crane. In the rest of the area, Fluxo has built the office facilities, which have been fully operational since its inauguration in early August. From now on, construction will begin on another floor above the office, to accommodate an auditorium for presentations and training.
The agreement made with Sulzer includes the provision of the services of machine tools installed in the neighboring shed, as well as the use of blasting, painting, hydrostatic and non-destructive testing facilities.
Fluxo's intention when moving to an industrial facility is to bring together, in a single space, the office and all after-sales support services for the Campos Basin market. The next step will be the implementation of a service center for valve repair and assembly of valve sets and actuators. In this way, Fluxo will be able to support market needs to support its represented Pibiviesse, Valvtechnologies and Crane Pacific in the valve area, and Rotork, Bettis, Dantorque and Shafer, with actuators.