The service team at the Fluxo de São Paulo branch proved the efficiency of Daniel's Preset Danload 6000 device, installed in approximately 25 terminals of BR Distribuidora and Transpetro. The validation test of the solution for monitoring road loading was carried out in August at Fluxo's premises, requested by BR itself.
The test consisted of simulating the loading conditions, monitoring which side the loading arm was positioned. The test verified if the arm was lowered and if its positioning, in addition to the grounding connection, corresponded with the side the truck was willing to be loaded.
To simulate the operational conditions of the BR, a test Giga was used, specially developed to meet the monitoring conditions of the loading arms, with position sensors and earthing switches, to exemplify all the conditions that the operator is exposed to. A quadratic function generator was also implemented in order to simulate the pulse count of a turbine with product flow, as well as light indications for the control valve modulation digital outputs.
With all this apparatus available, several inadequate or fundamentally unsafe operational situations were simulated for a shipment of petroleum derivatives. All conditions requested by BR Distribuidora were verified with the activation of alarms and interruption of loading, in case of risk situations.
The service technologist at Fluxo Clístenes Brito, one of those responsible for implementing the test, emphasizes that the solution was developed with the objective of taking advantage of all the resources already available at the BR bases, without the need to purchase any additional device. “The implementation resource used by us was just the knowledge of the equipment and its functionalities”, explains Brito.
Representatives from BR Distribuidora's automation sector followed the entire operation and ratified the effectiveness of the logic developed and its applicability: "the tests met the monitoring and control needs of BR's permits", confirms Júlio Louback, automation engineer at BR .