FLUXO at ILTA 2022: technical workshop and visits to terminals in Houston

Annually, the International Liquid Terminals Association (ILTA) holds a meeting in Houston - TX, where it organizes a conference including several technical lectures and a business fair. Parallel to the fair, FLUXO organizes several visits around the region, with technical approach, to reference terminals and partners’ plants. After three years – since the last edition prior to the pandemic - FLUXO is back to the event, which happened this June, and was together with a delegation of fifteen customers, complying with a schedule which issue was everyone’s preference: terminals.
The Brazilian delegation this year included executive professionals from Cattalini Terminals, ANP, Petrosul, Petrobahia, Transpetro, Refit Terminals, Petrosan, Ebse, and TX Fuel, who accompanied the schedule throughout the week:
- Workshop in partnership with Acuraflow and Honeywell to discuss the issues faced by terminals and the technology solutions available. The vision of the different players brought insights powerful tools for paradigm shifts and operational efficiency improvement. The workshop was held at the Customer Experience Center at Honeywell's Houston headquarters, where everyone had access to a control room of the future.
- Visits to Magellan maritime terminals, ITC, and Houston Ammonia, where the interaction with the engineering and operation departments of such terminals enriched the technical discussion.
- Visits to Technip Energies (prior FMC Loading Systems) for discussions on maritime loading branches, to Rotork Controls, on actuators for valves and to Cashco, on pressure and vacuum relief valves and on tanks inertization.

FLUXO's commitment is to leverage its customers' operational excellence through the use of technology. “We understand that ILTA is an excellent opportunity to brainstorming, networking and search for new technologies and applications, that's why we carry out special programs with our customers in all the editions we participate”, emphasizes FLUXO Commercial Director Fábio André Alves.
For over 20 years the FLUXO Soluções Integradas is associated with ILTA, being the first company that is not headquartered in the United States to participate as an exhibitor at the event in 2001. Deemed the most important association in the liquid terminals industry in the world, ILTA gathers both suppliers and users, with the purpose of fostering the development of this industry.