/ February 2022
Siemens launches new portable clamp-on ultrasonic meter
Per Rafael Amarante

Portable clamp-on ultrasonic meter
THE Siemens has just released the new FS290 portable clamp-on ultrasonic meter, which replaces the old model FUP1010. This new meter has the same electronics and display as the high-precision FST030 transmitter, but installed in a 2.8 kg IP-67 case and powered by a 99Wh lithium-ion battery.
The main improvement over the previous model is in the new energy management system, which makes the battery last for up to 24 hours of measurement in addition to being easily replaced by another through a cover at the bottom of the case.
This new clamp-on ultrasonic meter model has an external battery charger as an accessory and can be supplied with up to 3 batteries.