Fluxo installs systems for service stations that supply Vale in Pará

Contract was signed with Petrobras Distribuidora for the construction of 13 skids for the supply and discharge of products used in the Vale Project
The Flux Engineering & Systems Unit manufactured and installed the filling, unloading, measuring and filtering systems for products for the stations that supply Vale's mine and plant, in the S11D Eliezer Batista project, in Canaã dos Carajás-PA. In all, there are 13 sets of skids, designed with in-house engineering and manufacturing, in a turn-key solution. The work is in the finalization phase and the skids are commissioned and ready to receive the products.
For the filling stations at the Vale Mine, Fluxo delivered the entire S-500, S-10, arla-32 diesel unloading and metering system and the S-500 diesel filtering, metering and filling systems. For the stations that supply the Plant, Fluxo supplied the S-500, S-10, C gasoline and arla-32 diesel unloading and measurement systems, in addition to the S-10 and S-10 diesel filtering, filling and measurement systems. S-500.
The unloading and measurement system is intended to pump, measure and filter the product unloaded from the CTs (tank trucks) or VTs (tank wagons) and send it to the tanks. This system consists of a pumping, measuring and filtering skid (in the case of the S-500 or S-10 diesel), mounted on a metallic structure.
The system that will pump, filter and measure the product and fill the CTs is composed of two skids, one for pumping and filtering and the other for measuring and filling, in independent metallic structures. The systems must transfer the product from the tanks and send it to the CTs.
In addition to supplying the skids, Fluxo was responsible for commissioning and pre-operation of all systems.
This enterprise by Petrobras Distribuidora at the S11D facilities has the mission of receiving, dispatching and storing fuel to be used in out-of-entry machines, truck fleet, car fleet and locomotives. The contract between the two giants has the modality of lending, which demonstrates the trust between the companies.
The S11D Eliezer Batista is the largest mining complex in Vale's history, with more than 40 billion reais in investments. The S11D invests in technology to reduce the consumption of natural inputs and increase productivity, quality and efficiency in the operation.