Cattalini will further modernize its rail loading with an automated Flow system

Cattalini Terminais Marítimos selected Fluxo to be its partner for the implementation of yet another automation and technological innovation project. This time, Fluxo will automate the loading of wagons as part of the rail diversion revamp project at Centro de Tancagem 3 (CT-3). There will be 16 instrumented and automated measuring sections, integrated in ski-data modules. Equipped with Coriolis mass meters, the skids will meet the metrological requirements for fiscal measurement and custody transfer, with initial verification carried out at the factory by IPEM-SP.
The system will be controlled by Fusion4 MSC-L presets, manufactured by Honeywell Enraf, which also have the role of flow computer for the measurement module. The preset will communicate with the operational supervision and control system and with the terminal's corporate system, allowing the loading order to be initiated by the system, and finalized with the issuance of an invoice, without human interference in the processing of information, ensuring the inviolability of the transaction. Orders are also registered in presets and servers, for full traceability of operations.
With this implementation, Cattalini will further modernize its rail loading, making operations more agile and safer, with a robust and accurate measurement and control system. Fluxo has been a partner of Cattalini for over 15 years, participating in the company's cycle of continuous technological innovation and growth.