Flow provides tank telemetry system for Raízen terminals

Fluxo has partnered with Raízen to supply radars for measuring inventory at the terminals in São Luis II-MA, Fortaleza-CE, Belém-PA, and Cabedelo-PB.
In all, 65 tanks will be monitored, distributed in these 4 terminals, with the most accurate radars on the market, manufactured by Honeywell – Enraf and distributed by Fluxo in Brazil.
The radars, FlexLine model, have 0.4mm of uncertainty throughout the measurement range, and, together with the multi-point temperature measurement and the CIU888 signal concentrator and Entis management software, allow Raízen to monitor its inventory with accuracy.
With this project, Fluxo consolidates its hegemony in the terminal market, having supplied most of the inventory measurement systems in Brazil since the 70s.