Flow delivers another skid from the automation project to Adonai

Adonai Química Liquids Terminal, a company of the ABA Infraestrutura e Logística group, located at the Ilha Barnabé Terminal, in Santos -SP, acquired another skid for road loading from Fluxo. With this, there are a total of 8 modularized and automated multi-product loading systems with Honeywell Fusion4 presets.
The implementation is part of a pilot automation plan, which brings efficiency to the terminal, with the most modern equipment available on the market.
In addition to Honeywell Fusion4 pre-determinants, the system has Coriolis-type flowmeters, and is fully integrated with the supervision and control system and virtual pump alignment, ensuring total flexibility for the terminal's operation. Through the alignment system designed by Fluxo, it is possible to connect all tanks with all loading points.
The system also went through the entire Initial Verification process with IPEM-SP, following the NIT-SEFLU-014 standard of 2018. Fluxo, in turn, is a pioneer in Brazil in the supply of loading skids for fiscal measurement in terminals .
After a few weeks of operation, the operations department liked the application of initial automation so much, that it asked the project engineering to continue with the expansion plan, and thus skids consisting of fiscal sections with mass meters were negotiated, with models approved by IPEM , to the stalls "EF" and another for the stalls "GH", thus closing the control loop.
A few weeks later, loading efficiency had a considerable production gain, which led to another acquisition, this time for the bays. "IJ".
With the terminal's adherence to the use of fiscal skids, the flow of trucks on the scales was reduced by more than 50%, thus eliminating the bottleneck of delay in weighing, since now, after the end of loading, the driver passes through the exit, removes the invoice and no longer weighs the truck. This solution gives the terminal less time spent for this transshipment, increasing its availability for loading, generating greater efficiency in its operation and competitiveness in the market.