Over more than 30 years of operation, Fluxo has established itself as a provider of automation and instrumentation solutions, representing and distributing world-renowned brands, being responsible for the introduction of a series of pioneering technical solutions in Brazil, today established and defined as industry standard. 12 years ago, realizing a growing demand for customized engineering solutions with a predominance of technology, Fluxo created its Engineering & Systems department.
With operations in its branch located in the city of Santana do Parnaíba-SP, Fluxo has the support of a structured engineering team, supply processes involving inspections and expediting, in addition to the skidated module factory and the service shed.
Throughout its history, Fluxo has stood out in the supply of skid modules, such as for natural gas processing and measurement units, as it was for PGN/Elecnor in Maranhão and also for Imetame in Bahia, including City Gate with measurement, heating and filtration, test separator, production separator, fuel gas conditioning skid and condensate conditioning. Furthermore, it consolidates itself as the market leader in vapor recovery units (URVs), with an established solution licensed by Jordan Technologies / Aereon, which meets the requirements of environmental agencies. Fluxo is also a leader in truck loading and unloading systems, with applications in several terminals, such as Cattalini, Ageo, Adonai, Vopak, Ultracargo, Raízen and Ipiranga.
As for the provision of services and maintenance contracts, we highlight the work carried out together with FMC in the recovery of loading arms at Petrobras/TASSE; the calibration work of: flow, temperature, gas detection, pressure and level, carried out through our mobile laboratory, with national service and, more recently, the supply of equipment for chemical injection, both on-shore and off-shore , through rentals of complete skids, operated or not by our teams. In stoppage contracts, the programs for inspection and maintenance of valves for coke units in partnership with DeltaValve, a company specializing in this type of application, stand out. In the energy cogeneration segment, we highlight the pioneering work for Copasa, in Minas Gerais, where the installation and operation of microturbines powered by biogas provide extensive cost savings in electricity consumption.
Whether supplying equipment, providing services, or customized engineering solutions, Fluxo has a structure prepared to assist its customers in improving operational efficiency through industrial automation.