Fluxo has signed a contract with Raízen for the turnkey supply of a vapor recovery unit (URV) for the Paulínia-SP terminal. Delivery is scheduled for December 2013. This time, Raízen was a pioneer in opting for an innovative technology for the system's vacuum pumps.
Vacuum pumps are the devices responsible for the activated carbon regeneration process after adsorption, directing the vapor stream to the absorption column. In the Raízen project, swing wings dry vacuum pumps (without glycol seal) will be used.
Manufactured by the Japanese company Hori, these pumps are less noisy, more efficient than traditional pumps and do not require gasoline injection into the vacuum chamber for cooling.
This is the third generation of VRU technologies, which has evolved from obsolete glycol seal pumps, later to twin screw dry pumps (widely used in the market) and now to Hori's dry pumps. This evolution aims to increase the availability of the system, since the vacuum pumps are the heart of the URV, in addition to reducing operating and maintenance costs.
In this supply in Paulínia, Fluxo is responsible for the entire execution of the work, with a scope that includes the executive project, materials and electromechanical assembly services of the steam capture ducts, absorbing fluid ducts, adaptation of platforms, civil works, supply of equipment and the URV.
After the delivery of this URV, Fluxo will have 11 units implemented in Brazil, and the second at Raízen. Thus, Raízen ratifies its commitment to a safe operation, in line with local requirements and global practices to protect the environment and human beings.