Fluxo has increased its operations in the North and Northeast by strengthening its sales team. The team already has five account managers, residing in four northeastern capitals, led by regional manager Salma Pereira.
The most recent hiring took place at the end of 2012, and corresponds to the new account manager Francisco Costa, resident in Manaus, who will cover the State of Amazonas. The expansion began in 2010, with the hiring of Jorge Humberto Gouveia, based in Recife to serve the markets of Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Maranhão and Pará. In addition to the new professionals, Fluxo has the account manager for Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará Julio Fritis, resident in Natal, and Rodrigo Santana, based at the Fluxo office in Salvador, which covers the states of Bahia and Sergipe next door. from Salma.
The results of the team's work are already being noticed. There was a rapprochement with previously remote customers, in addition to the strengthening of relationships with the old ones, a situation that makes Fluxo monitor the daily routine of customers in the region and have more knowledge about the demands of each one, with regard to: services, spare parts, product updates, launches, new technologies, among others. The service became faster and the after-sales service was also intensified. The fruits are being harvested in the form of sales to the Abreu e Lima Refinery, as well as to Transpetro's North and Northeast Malhas, among others.
New actions are being planned to identify the potential of the States of Acre, Piauí, Amapá, Roraima and Rondônia to assess the possibility of serving these markets more closely.