Fluxo presented the work entitled “Reliability-Centered Maintenance applied to Asset Management - Valve Remote Control System for Guanabara Bay and Pecém LNG Regasification Terminals” at the 2012 Petrobras International Reliability Seminar. The event took place on the 17th and October 18, at Petrobras University, Rio de Janeiro.
The BU Serviços team was invited by the Petrobras LNG Asset Management Gustavo Mussel Barros and his team to participate in the event, thanks to the good result of the maintenance contract executed at the Guanabara Bay and Pecém terminals, which has already lasted nine months. The work portrays the maintenance contract as a success case: it has generated availability rates close to 100% and reliability levels close to 98% in the actuators of both terminals.
The participants of the event by Fluxo were the leader of contracts Luiz Fernando Souza and director of BU Services Wladimir Castro.