of the Emerson group) will supply the flow metering system, also called FMS (Flow Metering System) comprising
all gas, oil and water flow measurements for FPSO P-58, contracted by Petrobras to QUIP.
The FMS is being manufactured entirely by Emerson-Daniel in its renovated and expanded unit in Sorocaba-SP. The main challenge in the project was the design of the fiscal measurement skid, which had to be dimensioned to meet the restrictive limits of
size and loss of load. Another requirement from Petrobras is that the skid be designed to allow the calibration of the meters
Appropriation Coriolis flow lines, installed at the output of the production separators. Once again, Emerson-Daniel enforced
its unrivaled experience and knowledge of over 80 years in providing fiscal measurement equipment and solutions
and custody transfer of fluids, presenting the only measurement solution that complies with the requirements of the
ANP and project engineering.
The MT Welsh Venture vessel is being converted into the hull of the P-58 by Queiroz Galvão in Rio Grande, in an area next to the
Quip's construction site, on the southern tip of Porto Novo, and is expected to leave the shipyard in Rio Grande in June 2013,
to be installed in the pre-salt area of the Baleia Azul field, approximately 78 km from the coast and in a water depth of 1,400 meters.
The FPSO is part of the Campos do Norte Development Program at Parque das Baleias, at the Espirito Santo Operating Unit, with a production capacity of 180,000 barrels of oil/day, compression of six million cubic meters of gas/day, water injection of 350 thousand barrels/day and accommodation for 110 people.