We know that where there is growth, progress, development, strong, modern and capable of performing engineering came first, providing the means for the continuous improvement of a society.
In today's times, the beginning of a new century, the indicators show a lasting cycle of growth in Brazil, showing at least 10 to 20 years continuously sustainable, making it possible to make our nation developed. This will not happen without valuing the engineer, the technician and expanding their knowledge. It is necessary to place as first priority modern education, technological innovation, the training of trained technicians in the production and implementation of means that guarantee the success of this cycle of growth. I am referring mainly to the need to update technical and higher education courses, adapting them to our reality, in order to prepare professionals for the market, capable of meeting the challenges that are already presented today.
These needs are the task of federal and state governments, representative entities and companies. The company has a fundamental and preponderant role in the preparation and qualification of its staff, being able, together with universities and technical schools, to prepare a competent staff capable of meeting the announced demand.
Whether in the technical area itself or in management and leadership, the turn of the technician, the engineer, exact science has come again. We have to think about Generation Z, because Generation Y is already taking on management positions, taking on the responsibilities of the technical challenges of the moment (Generation Y was born in the 80's). We will face cycles of generational renewal in this period, faster given the growth in demand, as a result of the planned development.
In organizations, whatever their greatest asset, it is the people who must be able to work with the spirit of serving their client and consequently reaping the results for the organization and for themselves, always in accordance with the established partnership . Only by educating, forming and qualifying will we obtain this perennial consolidation. If we do not do this, we will be doomed to failure.
"In engineering services companies specifically, the vast majority have the philosophy of training substitutes as a philosophy, a noble practice that enhances the leader and accomplishes what he is led".
The preparation, qualification, the renewal of its collaborators in an organization, are the ways to obtain its growth, necessary in today's times, which will provide for its development. Only then will we have permanent results with assured continuity.
Ricardo Pessoa he is General Director and majority shareholder of UTC Engenharia, a company he joined in 1993 as Director of Development and Commercial Support. He worked at Construtora Oas and Soares Leone Construções. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Abemi and Onip.