Fluxo Soluções
 / January 2012

Flow institutes new sports group inside BA

The city of Valente-BA won a sports course with an educational perspective. These are two new groups with 30 children and teenagers each, who will learn notions of citizenship through free sports classes. The initiative is an expansion of Fluxo's partnership with the Fazer Acabar Institute, which has been providing classes for teenagers in the Recanto Feliz neighborhood, in Salvador -BA, since 2004, and has also started offering classes for students in Valente, a municipality in the interior of Bahia. .

There are 60 children benefited by the Fluxo – IFA partnership in Valente. Rafael Pereira da Silva is one of them. The 11-year-old boy has special care, studies at Escola Municipal Luz e Saber, which has an agreement with the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) and is a member of one of the classes. The project has the support of the municipal government, which provided the space for classes at the Umburana Social Club.

Qualified professionals

Preliminary to the classes, which began in early May, the Fazer Acabar Institute taught, in partnership with Unicef, a training course for 40 physical education teachers in the municipality. The course taught the teachers the perspective of sport-education, which uses children of different ages, social classes and sexes in the same class, without distinction, stimulating psycho-social development, respect, cooperation and citizenship. Maura Miranda, director of the Department of Basic Education Programs and Projects in Valente, recognizes that the arrival of the IFA has brought about a change in the city's sports culture. “The training course carried out by the NGO radically changed the conception of sport by physical education teachers. He brought the perception of sport as a tool for social interaction, as a leisure, among other values”, he says.

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