Emerson's division for the manufacture of fiscal measurement products and systems for gases and liquids, Daniel Measurement & Control, will supply two City-Gates and two Pressure Regulating Stations to Petrobras, to be installed in the Urucu-Manaus gas pipeline.
The R$ 25.9 million contract was signed in December for the design, engineering, construction, transport, start-up, commissioning and pre-operation of the City-Gates and Pressure Regulation Stations. The two City-Gates will be installed, the first in Aparecida, with a capacity of 3.7 million m³/day, and the second in Mauá, with a capacity of 3.2 million m³/day. The two Pressure Regulation Stations will be supplied, one for Iranduba, with a capacity of 4 million m³/day, and another for Manaus, with a capacity of 3.45 million m³/day.
The City-Gates and Pressure Regulation Stations project comprises products from several Emerson divisions, such as: Daniel metering tubes, orifice plates, ultrasonic flowmeters and chromatographs; control valves, pressure regulating valves and Fisher Slam Shut valves; Rosemount pressure and temperature transmitters and RAS (Remote Automation Solutions) flow computers.
The Urucu-Manaus gas pipeline will transport 4.7 million m³/day of natural gas along its 670 km length, crossing the Amazon rainforest. The main destination of the input will be the production of electric energy, in thermoelectric plants, to supply Manaus and the municipalities through which the pipeline will pass. Natural gas will replace diesel and fuel oil currently used in the production of all the electric energy consumed by Amazonas.