Define the business well and conduct it in the best possible way. This is the path of good business management that Fluxo is following alongside FDC (Fundação Dom Cabral), through the partnership that completed 1 year last October. The result of good management is perceived by everyone: by the business owners, through the company's growth prospects and increase in the customer base, by the employees, who demonstrate satisfaction and willingness to perform their tasks, and by the suppliers, who to have more confidence in the company.
PAEX (Partners for Excellence) is a program developed by FDC that aims to qualify executives and apply its own method of elaboration and monitoring of strategic planning, aiming at a better condition for competitiveness in the market and optimization of the companies' results. . Fluxo's intention is to rationalize its internal processes, standardize concepts and lead the elaboration and follow-up of a strategic plan through methods developed by FDC.
For the year 2008, FDC defined financial management and business process management as priority issues for PAEX Bahia, offering specific training for executives and a monthly monitoring program for six months for each subject. The monitoring programs conducted by specialist professors – Carlos Bartilotti in financial management and Renata Barcelos in process management, have already presented results that are clearly perceived by Fluxo's management team.
Dom Cabral Foundation
Created in 1976, as an extension of the Extension Center of the Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Fundação Dom Cabral is an autonomous, non-profit institution considered to be of public utility.
Supported by some of the largest companies in the country – Andrade Gutierrrez, Odebrecht, Vale, Banco Real and Banco Itaú, FDC carries out open and closed programs for more than 20,000 executives a year. In constant integration with the companies, FDC has become a national reference in its sector, participating in the improvement of the managerial level and the Brazilian business development. Through agreements with some of the most important centers of knowledge in management in the world, Instead in Europe, Kellog in the United States, and Sauder in Canada, it can also offer executive development programs, exchanges and joint research between the institutions' professors.