Industrial process experts believe that an industry's technical staff can gain a higher level of on-the-job competence by training staff with new tools. In addition to traditional forms of training such as formal education and "On the job" training, an efficient way to provide total safety, without stopping the plant, is training with process simulators.
Automind has developed a simulator for training operators and engineers in natural gas plants. The Automind simulator addresses technical aspects and case studies of the processing systems of a natural gas plant from a static, dynamic and operational point of view, with the objective of improving: knowledge of the process; the management of utilities; management in case of variation in the normal conditions of the process or when it operates at low power; and still reduce emissions to the environment.
The use of process simulators is an efficient training methodology, as it allows the training of operators and engineers in situations that cannot be tested in reality, as they could affect the operational continuity of the plant, causing environmental or community impacts. With process simulators it is possible to train, in exhaustion, the plant starts and stops and the operations in an emergency situation, proceeding safely and without risks to health and the environment; ensure efficient operation, with standardized practices among operators and reduction of unnecessary plant stops; Envision savings with reduced energy consumption and effluent generation and also improve the quality of the final product.
Once the tools have been developed and validated, case studies are carried out to prepare the training, seeking to analyze the systems or variables that produce the most significant impact on the operating margin, on the reduction of environmental impact and on the safety of the process.
Training provides benefits such as greater knowledge of the process and security in decision making. In addition, the plant's operation is improved, reducing operating costs, environmental emissions, maintenance costs, among others.
In October 2006, the Automind simulator was used in operational process training for operators and engineers at Petrobras' Vandemir Ferreira Station, located in São Francisco do Conde, which treats the gas coming from the Manati Platform. The training was divided into two parts: on-site and off-site operations. The training evaluation was 100% positive, as demonstrated by the forms completed by 32 operators and engineers who participated in the simulation.