Total control of its production and of its product stored in the tanks is what Usina Jalles Machado, located in the city of Goianésia-GO, will achieve after the complete automation of all its production columns and tank park. Last December, the plant acquired a complete Fluxo solution for the qualitative and quantitative automation of its alcohol production and the storage tank telemetry system.
The Flow solution for Tank Telemetry consists of Rosemount radar level gauges, temperature sensors, field communication units and the tank supervision software. The level measurement is carried out uninterruptedly by radars with + or - 3mm of uncertainty, connected in a network and interconnected to the Bio Tank Master software, which allows the configuration and monitoring of the system in real time, with the emission of reports.
The solution for automating alcohol production is made up of equipment such as the Micro Motion Coriolis mass meter, which measures the density, INPM degree, volume and mass of the alcohol produced; in addition to conductivity meters and Phmeters that carry out online quality analysis, and always keep the alcohol produced within the limits established by the ANP.
Companies in the alcohol market are looking to automate their processes due to the advantages it provides to producers. Total process control results in increased production (with reduced waste) and greater operational and human safety. Another advantage is that the measurement is done in real time. Even when the product is not moving, the radar tank telemetry system works, monitoring the situation of the tank and preventing possible overflows and product emptying.
In the case of the production automation package, the system monitors both the hydrated alcohol and the anhydrous alcohol, so that they maintain the ideal quantity and quality for loading. If the distillation does not supply the product within the required specifications, the alcohol goes back to reprocessing.