Two Daniel flow measurement stations will measure the flow of all the regasified compressed natural gas (CNG) in the Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRUs) that are moored at the terminals of the Port of Pecém-CE and Baía de Guanabara-RJ. The FSRUs were chartered by Petrobras from the shipping company Golar, and will receive liquefied natural gas (LNG) imported from Nigeria, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria and Indonesia.
The contract was signed in October between Fluxo, Daniel Measurement e Control and the Spanish engineering company Duro Felguera, which, in turn, was contracted by Petrobras to supply the entire topside package for the piers of both terminals.
The flow measurement stations are made up of two or three flow measurement sections, consisting of electrically actuated ball valves, pressure and temperature transmitters, a Floboss 407 flow computer, in addition to the Daniel SeniorSonic ultrasonic custody transfer meter, which works like the heart of the station.
The Daniel SeniorSonic ultrasonic meter with Mark III electronics and user interface software -customer ultrasonic interface (CUI) is designed for fiscal measurement and custody transfer of natural gas, where measurement with extreme accuracy and long-term performance reliability and real-time diagnostic capability are critical. This advanced four-beam meter helps the user to reduce losses, uncounted natural gas, and prevent unwanted process stops, with exceptional measurement accuracy and linearity throughout its measurement range. Daniel's meter has a model approval certificate issued through Ordinance Inmetro/Dimel/ nº 233 of December 20, 2005.
The importation of LNG by Brazil is part of Petrobras' contingency plan to fill the deficit in the national gas supply and reduce dependence on natural gas acquired from Bolivia. In 2011, it is estimated that the supply of LNG in Brazil will reach 20Mm³/day, which is equivalent to 16.5% of the total gas supply, which will be equal to 121Mm³/day for the entire country.