In October, during the exhibition at Rio Oil and Gas 2004, Fluxo presented to the public its newest company represented in the valve area: Pibiviesse. Now, Fluxo has the exclusive representation for Brazil of all products made by the Italian valve manufacturer.
Pibiviesse has already installed more than 50,000 Trunnion type ball valves in several countries. Among them are valves for subsea pipelines and the largest valve ever manufactured in the world, which combines diameter and pressure class-52" x 900#. The valves manufactured by Pibiviesse can be applied in oil, gas and polyduct pipelines, in addition to platforms such as FPSO, SS, jack-up, fixed, etc. The standard of the valves is double block and bleed, zero leakage, among others.
Pibiviesse's sales in Brazil have already started: the factory signed a contract to supply valves for the Campinas-Rio and Cacimbas-Catu gas pipelines, whose company hired by Petrobras as EPC and Project Finance is Toyo. About 400 valves are being installed, including 32".
Fluxo and its partners will provide full after-sales service for the Pibiviesse line, with the support of workshops throughout the country. Through its newly created valve division, Fluxo has already started its work and today Pibiviesse is part of Transpetro's supplier registry and some subsea pipeline projects, such as PDEG Profundo. Soon, the Italian company will also be included in the Petrobras Materials Register.
Italian company Pibiviesse was founded in 1981 and initially had the name PBV (founders' surname initials). In 1985, it incorporated Nuova Sella, one of the largest valve machining companies in Italy, and its name became PBVS. A new factory was purchased in 1992, in Neviano (a city close to Milan), where Pibiviesse is still installed today. In 1998, Pibiviesse was purchased by the Circor group, one of the largest suppliers of valves and related products in the world, which belongs to KF Industries, among others.