GDK Engenharia contracted Fluxo and Petreco International Inc., a Cooper Cameron Group company, to supply process equipment for the "Topside" of the P-34 platform. The platform, which is an FPSO (Floating, Production, Storage and Off-loading), is being renovated by GDK in the Port of Vitória and will later be installed in Campo de Jubarte, ES.
Petreco won the bid for the supply of Hydrocyclones, Flotation Unit, Production Separator and Test Separator Internals. The contract is for US$ 3,200.00 and the equipment is expected to be delivered in nine months. Currently, oil exploration in the field is carried out by the Seillean platform vessel and its production is 22,000 barrels a day. After the conversion, the P-34 is expected to produce 60,000 barrels of oil per day. P-34 at the Port of Vitória In line with the current Brazilian policy of maximizing national content, Petreco will subcontract the manufacture of several items from this supply in the domestic market.