The maintenance of an off-shore plant represents a very high cost for Petrobras, even more so when it comes to a platform 80 kilometers from the coast. In search of savings and better use of its machines, Petrobras/UN-BC acquired the Control Valves Diagnosis and Maintenance Service to serve the P-25 and P-31 platforms, in the Albacora Production Asset, Campos Basin. The contract, which was signed in March and will be valid for three years, is the result of a partnership between Fluxo and Emerson at the Campos Basin Unit.
To reduce costs and increase productivity, the Control Valves Diagnostic Service uses the FlowScanner system, which allows for increased plant availability and reduced maintenance management costs. As the FlowScanner is a portable test device, it is possible to evaluate the operating conditions of the control valve and its accessories, without having to remove it from the process, thus allowing efficient predictive maintenance.
The use of FlowScanner avoids the unnecessary replacement of parts and the superfluous removal of valves from the line, reduces plant downtime, avoids unnecessary stops, allows the comparison of control valves (even during their useful life) through the evaluation of trends of fatigue or wear of the components, and favors the economy with stocks of parts and spares, making possible the purchase schedule.
FlowScanner assesses the general condition of valve trim, actuator, positioner and accessories; the valve stroke; the compression of the actuator spring; the friction of the gaskets; the seating force of the plug in the seat; valve performance, linearity and deadband.
The system interprets the data collected by sensors installed in valves and sends them to a database that generates a report with action suggestions. If any corrective action is required, FlowScanner determines the necessary action. In addition, during adjustment and calibration, before the valve is put into service, the FlowScanner can be activated to ensure that the valve will operate as designed.