In order to satisfy the requirements of the absolute reliability system, Petrobras' Pipelines and Terminals Unit of the Midwest and São Paulo (DTCS) decided to purchase 500 IQ intelligent actuators with Profibus communication protocol from Rotork. The equipment is part of the PEGASO project for environmental management and operational safety, a program considered to be of excellence, which has achieved national reach.
At the DTCS, operational valves in the areas of the pipeline heads were automated at the Santos, Cubatão, Barueri, São Caetano do Sul, Guararema, São Sebastião, Guarulhos, Guaratuba, Rio Pardo, PQU, Recap, Replan, Revap and RPBC units.
The areas of the duct heads (scrapers) correspond to the ends where oil and its derivatives are sent and received. In these areas, measurement systems were installed to control mass balance and leak detection.
The systems consist of an ultrasonic flow meter, pressure transmitter, temperature transmitter and density meter. To ensure reliability in reading the flow signals, it is necessary to keep the duct always full and pressurized. For this reason, duct pressure control skids were installed (on the side that receives the products), two Mokveld control valves operated by Rotork IQM modulating electric actuators, 2 filters, two stop valves and four or five more double block ball valves operated with Rotork IQ electric actuators.
The measurement system, in joint operation with the control skid, detects abnormalities in the pumping of products, such as leaks, by comparing the masses measured at the shipping and receiving ends of the controlled pipeline sections. The solution guarantees the supply of refineries, storage and transfer terminals in the areas of operation of the DTCS, in addition to increasing environmental safety.