Fluxo's annual participation in the exhibition promoted by the Independent Liquid Terminals Association (ILTA), in Houston, is yielding good results. This year, the ILTA fair allowed the meeting of new partners: Fluxo Soluções Integradas and Grupo Cattalini. From the meetings that took place between Hideo Hama, president of Fluxo, and Renato Cattalini, president of Grupo Cattalini, a relationship of trust was born that led to the signing of the contract for the supply of a telemetry system for the Cattalini Terminal in Paranaguá. The system will control the inventory of the terminal's 19 new tanks, through the control and measurement system from Saab Rosemount, Sweden.
The contract with Cattalini is "turn key" for 19 fixed roof tanks, using the RTG3930 radar level gauges. The system comprises measuring the liquid level, its average temperature and its density in real time, with the help of the TankMaster software, which calculates the volume and mass for inventory. This measurement system uses a hybrid technology, in which the level and pressure values of the liquid column are used for density calculation, resulting in excellent accuracy.
The system selects the temperature points below the liquid level and calculates the average temperature of the liquid based only on these points, which avoids the distortions caused by the difference between the liquid and atmospheric temperature. The readings are available to the user and can be sent to other control systems, including the terminal's clients, who can have information about their product's stock in real time.
The Cattalini group was founded in 1956. Today, it has branches throughout the national territory and the Southern Cone. In 1981, Cattalini Terminais Marítimos was created to optimize the transport activities of the Cattalini Group. The group has 64 tanks distributed in two terminals, with storage capacities of 89 thousand and 84 thousand m³ respectively. This year, the expansion of terminal 1 began with the inclusion of 19 tanks for storing alcohol and petroleum derivatives. The works, which should be completed in December 2004, will add 95,000 m³ of capacity to Terminal 1, bringing Cattalini's total storage to 268,000 m³.