At the end of 2000, Transpetro began a process of purchasing new loading arms to replace the old arms of the FMC model HMLA (Hydraulic Marine Loading Arms) that had been in operation at the Ilha D'Água Terminal since 1961. The old arms that operated at the terminal were fully meeting their needs, but they were made of aluminum, a material that the OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum) began to prohibit in its specifications.
Transpetro took advantage of the modernization plan for the Main and Secondary Piers of the Ilha D'Água Terminal to start replacing the equipment with another 22 loading arms also from FMC, this time of the RCMA (Rotating Counterweighter Marine Arm) model, approved by the OCIMF .
In addition to taking care of the quality and efficiency of its product transfer operation, Transpetro was mainly concerned with the safety of its operation. Anticipating the risks inherent in the loading and unloading of products such as Diesel, QAV, Gasoline, Alcohol, OC2 and Petroleum, FMC has incorporated solutions such as automatic disconnection in emergency cases (Emergency Release System ERS), and a cleaning system (stripping system), which allows the removal of the product still residing in the internal part of the arm before its disconnection from the ship. This device is useful, especially in emergency cases, when, for example, a ship accidentally moves away from the berthing pier when transferring dangerous products.
All operation of the arms will be monitored through a control panel in the pier's operation tower and through a SCADA system. The pressure and temperature of the products will be monitored "online". The supply was complemented by Fluxo with the manufacture of four towers equipped with elevators that allow the operator to access the ship. The elevator allows monitoring of the rising or falling of the tide through a ramp connecting to the deck.
With the adoption of these solutions in the case of a transfer, and even in emergency situations, any waste of material and possible damage to the environment can be avoided.
Alongside this modernization project, Rotork Controls Inc. is providing a complete Digital Valve Control system. There will be more than 200 electric actuators supervising the unloading and loading, as well as the transfer of products through a Central Controller (Master Station).
The Ilha D'água terminal is located in Guanabara Bay - RJ, and belongs to Transpetro. This Terminal is responsible for the outflow, by sea, of the surplus production of the Duque de Caxias Refinery (REDUC), as well as for the receipt of oil destined for REDUC and the Gabriel Passos Refinery (REGAP) and some petroleum derivatives, anhydrous alcohol and hydrated, intended to complement the needs of REDUC.