An event that can be considered a winner. The organizers were surprised with the first edition, in 2023, and repeated the dose in 2024.
The biggest surprise this year was the size, doubled thanks to the presence of large companies such as Transpetro and Petrobras itself, in addition to others that were present in the first year, with larger areas now, supporting the consolidation of the event as the second largest fair in the country, losing only to Rio Oil & Gas.
Now that the event has become highly competitive, the plan is that after 2025 it will be held twice a year, alternating with the Rio event. FLUXO, understanding the importance of Bahia Óleo & Gás Energia, is already reserving a larger stand. This should be followed by many exhibitors who entered on an experimental basis. Therefore, the forecast is that in 2025 it will be even larger than in 2024.

One of the reasons for the success is the diversification of E&P companies: private, national and foreign, which have replaced Petrobras in this activity. There is great expectation that Petrobras will allow the Bahia Terra and Urucu Hubs to be transferred to private companies. This is a logical reasoning, since Petrobras should take care of the larger investments as it has been doing, including the potential fields of the new offshore frontier of the equatorial margin.
On the other hand, there is the interesting private investment in refining in Bahia, initiated by Acelen (RLAM's new name), Dax Oil Refino, in Camaçari, Brasil Refino, in the Aratu Industrial Center and Noxis Energy, in Ilhéus, while in the North/Northeast, in addition to those already privatized such as the former Reman (current Ream) and the Potiguar Clara Camarão Refinery, in Guamaré, which belongs to 3R, is expected to install another Noxis Energy refinery, in the Port of Pecém.
It is also important to mention the interesting Bahiagás program for the production of biomethane from biogas, scheduled to be implemented in 66 cities in Bahia, which will certainly be followed by other gas distributors in other states in the north and northeast, as it is an intelligent way of promoting the use of gas, which, with its advancement, will allow the growth of the Southwest Gas Pipeline, which currently only reaches 12 of these cities.
We have no doubt that the growth of Bahia Óleo & Gás Energia will be a milestone in attracting major investments in the region. By expanding its participation in the event, FLUXO demonstrates its confidence in Bahia's promising future and contributes to consolidating the state as a reference hub in the oil and gas sector.