FLUXO: example of ESG commitment to sustainable technological innovation

The ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) or, in Portuguese, ASG (Ambiental, Social e Governança Corporativa) translates a set of good practices adopted by companies committed to respect for the environment and social and governance issues.
There is evidence that companies that incorporate ESG practices into their operations contribute to long-term sustainability and can reap significant financial and social benefits.
These practices may include the adoption of environmental management policies, the implementation of responsible raw material procurement practices, the decarbonization of operations and the improvement of working conditions. At the same time, they promise to reduce operating costs, improve efficiency and productivity, reduce the risk of regulatory fines, improve customer satisfaction and increase profitability and investor attractiveness.
“At FLUXO, we are committed to acting ethically and responsibly with the environment, society, employees and other stakeholders, adopting the best corporate governance practices, and incorporating ESG practices into our decision-making agenda and into our actions. ”, explains Luciana Darwich, Human Resources and ESG Manager at FLUXO.
Use of Technology to Benefit the Environment
In addition to this commitment, FLUXO's purpose is to provide solutions and technological innovations that contribute to mitigating the environmental problems of its customers.
At the same time, FLUXO encourages its engineers and technicians to seek innovations that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility, and to think of new businesses that are aligned with ESG values and practices. These are some of them:
Vapor Recovery Units (URVs)
Over 20 years ago, FLUXO introduced in the Brazilian market the technology of Vapor Recovery Units (URVs) of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) licensed by Jordan Technologies. The vapor recovery process involves separating and liquefying the VOCs for return to the storage tank. There are around 30 units manufactured by FLUXO in operation in Brazil, with their recovery efficiency above 98% attested by the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (Cetesb).
Vapor Combustion Units (UCVs)
FLUXO has recognized expertise in the national market in VOC vapor collection systems for enclosed combustion without apparent flame and without smoke emission, the so-called Vapor Combustion Units (UCVs).
The UCVs that it installed at Transpetro's waterway terminals in Barra do Riacho (ES), São Sebastião and Santos (SP), in addition to the units at Braskem in Rio Grande (RS), at VOPAK and at AGEO in Santos (SP), reduced to release of VOCs into the atmosphere and, in the case of the São Paulo terminals, also ensured compliance with Cetesb's environmental standards.
Energy Generation from Biogas
The use of biogas from sewage treatment stations, sanitary landfills and industries as fuel for the generation of electric and thermal energy (cogeneration) is an application that FLUXO develops with a view to environmental protection and energy conservation.
At the Sewage Treatment Station Arrudas da Copasa (Sanitation Company of Minas Gerais), in Belo Horizonte-MG, an energy cogeneration system using microturbines from Capstone was designed and implemented by FLUXO.
Oil Detection Systems
Environmental precautions with manufacturing processes and transportation of petroleum products include hydrocarbon leak control routines.
FLUXO is a distributor in Brazil of Leakwise monitoring systems, manufactured by the company Agar Environmental from Israel, which detect leaks of liquid hydrocarbons. FLUXO supplied the Leakwise system for the pump park at the Adonai Química Liquid Terminal, in Santos (SP), which immediately detects the presence of hydrocarbons in water at a minimum depth of 0.3mm. Similar applications have also been implemented in Petrobras refineries and Transpetro and DOW terminals.
Flexible Piping with Low Environmental Impact Installation
In projects located in wooded and forested regions, it is essential to adopt measures aimed at limiting and mitigating deforestation during all stages of installation and maintenance. This is essential to ensure the preservation of forest ecosystems, biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability.
With the flexible piping system manufactured by the American partner FlexSteel, it was possible to install pipelines inside the Amazon Forest for the flow of oil and gas explored by Petrobras in Urucu (AM), with the least possible impact on the environment. And as the FlexSteel piping does not require daily maintenance, the vegetation returned fully.
Looking to the future
With innovation in its DNA, FLUXO is always on the lookout for new sustainable technologies that can be introduced into its portfolio of solutions.
Now, through a partnership with the German company Biofabrik, FLUXO is bringing to Brazil chemical plastic recycling technology, a more complete option than mechanical recycling. Through this technology, plastic waste can be recycled, transforming it into “syncrude”, a product that has great value and can be used as a basic raw material for the petrochemical industry.
And it explores alternatives linked to the circular economy, energy from renewable sources and the low-carbon economy. With these initiatives, it demonstrates its commitment to the ESG agenda and to a more sustainable future.