Fluxo supplied the Monteiro Lobato Gas Treatment Unit (UTGCA), together with its represented Rotork, a highly customized electro-hydraulic actuator for a 600# 34” gas pipeline ball valve.
With a torque capacity of 46,000Nm, the actuator is capable of closing the valve in up to 45 seconds and has hydraulic accumulators for at least four more activations (in case of breakdown), in addition to a hydraulic pump for eventual manual activation.
The actuator provides for the supply of its electronic components totally segregated from the motor supply. Thus, a reliable source of 24Vdc, with low consumption, guarantees the Modbus communication with the control room, as well as the activation of the solenoids to operate the actuator through the energy of the accumulator vessels, even when there is a lack of energy in the motor.
Even with all this customization, the Rotork design keeps solenoids and other hydraulic devices safe, which could be vandalized when installed and exposed in remote locations.
Fluxo will also be responsible for assembling and adapting the actuator to the existing valve (which originally has manual activation), commissioning, start-up assistance and training for the qualification of operators, and will later also carry out the maintenance of the acquired equipment.
This highly customizable type of demand combines perfectly with the versatility of Rotork's EH range of actuators to meet every particularity of the most challenging applications, without sacrificing the established quality of the Rotork brand.