Cattalini expands loading capacity with yet another Flow automation solution

Cattalini Terminais Marítimos, the largest liquids terminal in Brazil, will expand its storage and truck loading capacity when the second phase project of the Tank Center 04 is in operation. After this expansion, the terminal will have four more loading islands, each with four positions, totaling 16 extra simultaneous loadings. Thus, two bi-train type trucks can be loaded simultaneously on each island.
Cattalini's partner in the complete automation of its terminal since 2003, Fluxo is now supplying loading skids with Coriolis meters and the Honeywell Fusion4 preset, the most modern equipment available on the market. The skids will be supplied in compliance with current metrological regulations, including the Initial Verification by IPEM (according to Dimel Ordinance 32/17 and NIT-SEFLU Standard 014).
The loading will be carried out fully automatically, with the Fusion 4 presets communicating with the terminal management software (TAS), which controls the entire logistical operation and queue management.