Fluxo will supply 2 thousand meters of FlexSteel flexible tubes to Petrobras /UO-AM. After a rigorous technical evaluation carried out by Petrobras, the proposal presented by Fluxo for the supply of tubes with FlexSteel technology was approved and the purchase order was received last August.
The tubes, manufactured by FlexSteel in Baytown, Texas, will be used in the Amazon region, close to a network of about 150 km in length of FlexSteel gas and oil pipelines, 4 and 6 inches in diameter, already in operation by Petrobras for several years. in the region.
A fundamental factor for the success of Fluxo/FlexSteel in this tender was the complete compliance with Petrobras' strict specifications and technical requirements, including those relating to the certification of the manufacturing process of the entire FlexSteel production line. In addition, FlexSteel is the only world manufacturer of high-strength reinforced flexible steel tubes, with internal and external coating, certified in Brazil by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Highly corrosion resistant and more durable than other flexible tubes, FlexSteel tubes combine the best features of all options currently available.
“We at Fluxo, FlexSteel's representative and distributor in Brazil, are pleased to offer the Brazilian oil & gas market this cutting-edge technology, responsible for a success story in the manufacture of more than 8 thousand km of flexible tubes, used by more than 30 companies on different continents, and which guarantees its customers an internationally recognized quality, competitive prices and a great reduction in pipeline construction times, allowing to maximize the economic result of the investment" explains Eduardo Barretto, director of the Business Unit of Flow Natural Gas Distribution.
The pipeline network built with this high-quality technology combines the durability of steel with installation performance and cost benefits, ensuring reliable and safe transport of oil, gas and water, including multi-phase production. Additionally, FlexSteel duct withstands cyclic and pulsating pressures, reduces installation complexity and provides greater value and superior lifecycle performance. More information about FlexSteel is available on the website www.flexsteelpipe.com.