Fluxo and its partner METCO (company of the Emerson group) once again confirm their leadership in the market for auditing, calibration and measurement management services in fiscal systems for oil platforms. This time, the contract was signed with BW Offshore, but the services will be provided to the FPSO Cidade de São Mateus, located in the Espírito Santo sea, in a water depth of 800 meters in the Camarupim field.
The Camarupim field was discovered by Petrobras in 2006 and was declared commercially viable in the same year, in December. This field is extremely important to Petrobras, as it is part of the Plangás program (Plan for the Anticipation of National Gas Production), an important input in Brazil's energy matrix.
The São Mateus FPSO complies with a contract with Petrobras, signed in 2009 and expected to end in 2018. Its production capacity is 35 thousand barrels per day and ten million m3 of gas per day, and can be stored in its tanks up to 700 thousand barrels of oil.
For both Petrobras and BW, it is extremely important to ensure the quality of the measurement, as it aims to comply with the requirements of the technical measurement regulation, applied by the ANP (National Petroleum Agency) and INMETRO (National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality), valid for the entire oil and natural gas production industry in Brazil.
For the execution of this contract, METCO will use the precepts of standard NBR 10012: Management of Flow Measurement Systems, Primary and Secondary Instrumentation, for the Liquid and Gas Segment and other standards necessary to comply with the ANP-INMETRO ordinance.
It is extremely important to remember that managing the measurement systems within technical and legal parameters gives the concessionaire the tranquility of operating efficiently, avoiding unwanted fines and paying royalties in a fair and socially responsible manner.