LDC-SEV, the second largest sugarcane processor in the world, chose Fluxo to develop and implement a solution for accurate and real-time control of the inventory and movement of ethanol in its plants, having signed an agreement for implementation at the Continental plant, located in the municipality of Colombia - SP.
The solution consists of a system for measuring the quantity and quality of ethanol produced, level gauges in the tanks and a system for measuring and automating the loading. All the systems used are in accordance with the legal metrological ordinances, guaranteeing high accuracy, performance and reliability. In addition to the measuring devices, a software developed by Automind will be implemented to integrate all the data, which will provide real-time reports of movements and inventory control, in addition to managing the movement of tank trucks inside the plants.
This solution will meet the demands of the operation, logistics and controllership through an inventory management system that will monitor the production, storage and shipment of ethanol in an integrated manner.
With this project, Fluxo consolidates itself as a provider of innovative solutions in the biofuels segment, combining the experience of over 20 years of experience in the oil and gas market, and fuel and chemical distributors, with the specific needs of this segment.
LDC-SEV is a company that was born from the association between LDC Bioenergia - belonging to the Louis Dreyfus Commodities group - and Santelisa Vale. It is one of the world leaders in the production, marketing and export of sugar, ethanol and renewable energy. Through its 13 industrial units, it produces around five million tons of sucrose per year.