Fluxo Soluções
 / April 2012

Imetame and Elecnor onshore fields with gas treatment systems Flow

Per Danielle Barbosa

Imetame Energia – a company of the Imetame Group, a manufacturer of metallic constructions from Espírito Santo, now also operating in the area of Exploration and Production of Oil and Natural Gas – won the 22nd New Energy Auction by Aneel for the project of a thermoelectric plant, called “UTE Prosperidade I” in Camaçari-BA. The thermoelectric plant will have a generation capacity of 28MW and will be supplied with Natural Gas from the wells drilled by Imetame, in one of the first projects Well to Wire from Brazil.

For this project, Fluxo's Engineering & Systems Unit is providing the entire gas treatment system with its own engineering and manufacturing, in a solution turn key, optimized to reduce deadlines and costs. Delivery is scheduled for early September, in line with the thermoelectric plant's schedule.

The scope of the contract comprises the test separator, fuel gas system, production separator, condensate stabilization unit, filter unit, heating module and pressure reducing station. All these systems will be provided in skids.

The test separator has the function of separating the production individually from the wells into the gaseous, oil and aqueous phases. The production separator will separate the simultaneous production of natural gas from the wells connected to the manifold of production. The fuel gas system will be powered from an outlet on the manifold of interconnection of production lines. There is also the possibility of sending the top residual gas from the condensate stabilization system to the fuel gas vessel.

As the name implies, the condensate stabilization unit processes the condensate coming from the test and production separator. The condensate treatment principle consists of expansion in a flash vessel through a pressure control valve (PCV). The condensate recovery system increases the plant's operating efficiency, minimizes costs and reduces pollution emitted to the atmosphere.

The filtering, heating and pressure reducing units are intended to filter, heat and limit the pressure of the gas coming from the gas treatment HUB. In addition to providing continuous and safe operation of UTE Prosperidade.


Of Spanish origin, Elecnor is one of the leading global corporations in the engineering, development and construction of infrastructure projects. It is also a prominent promoter and investor in the fields of renewable energy, energy infrastructure concessions and the environment.

Elecnor was contracted by Eneva in EPC format to implement the clusters of wells, the collection pipelines, the modification of the EPGVB (Gavião Branco Production Station) and the outflow pipeline in the Gavião Caboclo Field in Maranhão.

Fluxo was chosen by Elecnor to supply the Condensate Stabilization Skid, instrumentation, pressure and temperature transmitters from Honeywell and control valves from Baker Hughes GE Masoneilan.

The condensate stabilization skid was delivered this month and is already Fluxo's second supply to PGN (Parnaíba Gás Natural), the first being installed in the Gavião Branco field. This system aims to remove the lighter compounds present in the condensate. On the skid, the pressure of the condensate will be reduced and it will be heated to facilitate the removal of gas in the degassing tower. The removed gas will be routed to the combustible gas filter while the condensate will be cooled before going to the tanks for storage.

Eneva became the parent company of PGN with the objective of positioning itself as the first independent well-to-wire company in the country, with two distinct activities: oil & gas production, complemented with power generation.

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